Blogs Classic Guide: How to Success in Warsong Gulch Battleground

  • September 4, 2020


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Classic Guide: How to Success in Warsong Gulch Battleground

Classic Guide: How to Success in Warsong Gulch Battleground

Warsong Gulch is a 10v10 Capture the Flag battleground in WOW Classic. As all other battlegrounds, players must be at least level 10 to join, and will be filtered by level. Level players between the ages of 10-19 fight alongside each other, while players between levels 20-29 share the battlefield. For obvious reasons, players at level 60 will only be able to fight against other characters at the highest level.To get more news about Buy WoW Items, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

After entering Warsong Gulch, Alliance players will start from Silverwing Fortress, while Horde players will start from Warsong Lumberyard. Each team's base has a camp flag and can capture the opponent's flag three times in 25 minutes to win.

There are many ways for the team to complete the game in Warsong Gulch: Capture the enemy's flag 3 times; when the time runs out, the maximum limit; if tied, it will become the last team to capture the flag; All factions will lose.Most of the teams you meet in this BG will choose a basic strategy that is usually effective because most of the time, teams are made up of random people who lack coordination. The strategy is as follows:

One or two DPS, generally classes who have a pet or can stealth, are left behind in your base to defend your flag. Their objective is not to repel any enemy assaults, but rather to waste their time by slowing them down, and even killing some of the attacking force.

The other members of the team group and embrace the right side of the map. During this time, some of your teams may try to attack another faction. In this case, others should fight with them (preferably), or most likely let them die tragically in the hands of the enemy. There are two options:

If you decide to rush forward with other teams, you may end up in two ways: either successfully stopping the enemy from advancing and pushing backwards, or all dead. In the first case, you might be able to push and capture the flags easily. However, in the second step, you will lose the cap yourself. When you end up with your opponent in the middle of the map, make sure one of your teams actively raises the enemy's flag. If no one else does, take it to the enemy base.

If you decide to let your allies kill yourself, then as you move further into the enemy's territory, you are likely to fight alongside about 3 or 4 other players. In this case, get together at all costs and meet at enemy bases in order to grab their flag. When you encounter enemy flag carriers on your way back, intercept and kill them as soon as possible so that your team can return the flags immediately.



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